
Fingerprints...A Coffeehouse Reader

Fingerprints...A Coffeehouse Reader

Fingerprints...A Coffeehouse Reader

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Fingerprints...A Coffeehouse Reader


FINGERPRINTS is a memoir that began as a series of writing exercises while I was on a bicycle trip in Durango, Colorado, in 1994. During the ensuing years I accumulated over 160,000 words, all in pencil on yellow legal pads, and all of it written in coffeehouses in various parts of the country. My wife Kathleen encouraged me to edit the lot and put the best of the stories into book form. FINGERPRINTS is the result, a mosaic of people and places and events in my life and is a reflection of the relationship I had with my father. Each of the forty-eight chapters is unique and in the telling of them I tried to leave the reader with some universal truths. I hope I have been successful. more details

Apr 05, 2011 11:15:04

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